The Barnhursts & Baileys

A Blog to improve relations and provide gift giving ideas.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Swimming pools...

...are very cool, but we don't have one so this is the best pool party the kids can throw.
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Happy Easter (no new pics, sorry)

Well, I really wanted to test out this new blogging program, but I don't have any good new pictures to upload, so here's the best you'll get. Hopefully everyone had a good Easter, luckily we got Sean up here for some dinner at Emily and Sandon's house so it felt like a decent family holiday. Ciao! -Matt
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

All is well...

Things are looking up here at our house. We're all over the flu...finally. Everyone else had it for a few days, but I seemed to hold onto it for 2 weeks. Every time I started to feel better, I went and ran some errands...sick again. That happened twice before I decided that I'd better not push it anymore. So, now that we're all better, what to do with our time? I need to make some cookies. I guess I'd better go and get that done. I hope you're all having a great time doing whatever it is you do! :)
Love, Steph

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The flu invades Herriman...

Well, we thought we were going to be immune to the evil effects of the flu virus this season. But unfortunately, we all got sick last Sunday, including mom and Katie. No one managed to escape it. We're finally starting to feel better, but it was a miserable few days. We did get to watch Madagascar several times, though. What could be better than that?
We hope you're all having better luck!
Love, Steph

Friday, December 30, 2005


Christmas was very busy around our house. We had three days of Christmas. When mondy came around, it was still needing a day of rest. Friday was spent with my family, Christmas eve was spent with the Barnhurst/Bailey family, and Sunday, Christina spent the day at her dad's familyi, and we spent the day with our best freinds Miriam and Brandon and his family, and then we spent some time with Christina's dad's family, I get along great wtih all of them except him.

Christina got so much stuff. Including her favorate this her Dora's talking doll house.

After Christmas was just as busy, since on Wednesday I had my eye surgery. It is finally calming down around out house.